"Appendix & Forms"


"Appendix & Forms"
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Appendix - 1 [Under the Bye-law No.17(b)] 

The form of application for Membership of the Society by a Nominee/Heir, who is a minor, through his Guardian/Legal Representative... 

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Appendix - 2 [Under the Bye-law No.19(a)]

The Form of application for membership of the Society by an individual.... 

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Appendix - 3 [Undertaking the Bye-law No.19(a)(iv)]

The Form of undertaking to be furnished by the Prospective Member to use the flat for the purpose for which it is alloted... 

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Appendix - 4 [Under the Bye-law No. 19(A)(v)]

The Form of undertaking to be furnished by the Person, on whom the prospective Non Earning Member is dependent for discharge of liabilities to the society...

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Appendix - 5 [Under the Bye-law No. 19(b)]

The Form of application for Associate Membership by an Individual, Who desires to hold shares jointly with Member , who is already admitted to membership of the Society...

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Appendix - 6 [Under the Bye-law No. 19(b)]

The Form of application for Associate Membership by a Firm, or a Company or any other Body Corporate with the person already admitted to membership of the Society...

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Appendix - 10A [Under the Bye-law No. 117(d)]

No Objection Certificate and Undertaking from the Original Member to be submitted by the Associate Member intending to be a Member of the Managing Committee of the Society...

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Appendix - 11 [Under the Bye-law Nos. 20 & 43(b))]

The Form of application for Nominal Membership by the sub-lettee the Licensee or the Caretaker or Occupant...

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Appendix - 12 [Under the Bye-law Nos. 24(a) & 75(a))]

Form of Letter of Allotment of the flat to the member of the society...

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Appendix - 13 [Under the Bye-law No. 27(a)]

The Form of Notice of Resignation of Membership of the society by a member...

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Appendix - 14 [Under the Bye-law No. 32]

Form of nomination to be furnished in triplicate...

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Appendix - 15 [Under the Bye-law No. 34]

The Form of Application for Membership by the Nominee/Nominees...

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Appendix - 16 [Under the Bye-law No. 34]

The Form of Notice, inviting claims or objections to the transfer of the shares and the interest of the Deceased Member in the Capital/ Property of the society...

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Appendix - 17 [Under the Bye-law No. 35]

Application for Membership by the heir of the deceased member of the Society...

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Appendix - 18 [Under the Bye-law No. 34]

(To be given on Stamp paper of Rs. 200 or to be affixed with adhesive stamps of the same denomination)
(To be given where there are more nominees than one)...

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Appendix - 19 [Under the Bye-law No. 35]

(To be given on Stamp paper of Rs. 200 or on a paper affixed with adhesive stamps of the same denomination.)
(To be given where there is no nomination)...

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Appendix - 20(1) [Under the Bye-law No. 38(a)]

A form of Notice of, intension of a member to transfer his shares and interest in the capital / property of the Society...

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Appendix - 20(2) [Under the Bye-law No. 38(a)]

A form of the letter of consent of the proposed Transferee for the transfer of the shares and interest of the member (Transferor) to him (Transferee)...

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Appendix - 21 [Under the Bye-law No. 38(e)(i)]

Form of application for transfer of shares and interest in the Capital/ property of the society by the transferor (being an individual)...

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Appendix - 22 [Under the Bye-law No. 38(e)(i)]

Form of application for transfer of shares and interest in the Capital/ property of the society by the transferor (being a Corporate Body)...

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Appendix - 23[Under the Bye-laws No. 38(e)(ii)]

Form of application for membership of the society by the Proposed transferee.
(being an individual)...

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Appendix No. 24 [Under the Bye-laws No. 38(e)(ii)]

Form of application for membership of the society by the Proposed transferee.
(being a Body Corporate)...

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Appendix No. 25(1) [Under the Bye-laws No. 38(e)(xi)]

A Form of undertaking about the registration of the transfer of flat under Section 269 AB of the Income Tax Act
(to be given jointly by the Transferor and the Transferee)...

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Appendix No. 25(2) [Under the Bye-laws No. 19(a)(iv)and (vii)]

A Form of undertaking about the registration of the acquisition of a flat under section 269 AB of the Income Tax Act.
(To be given by a person seeking direct admission to the membership of the Society)...

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Appendix No. 26 [Under the Bye-laws No. 40]

A Form of intimation by the society to the transferee about exercise of rights of membership by him...

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Appendix No. 27 [Under the Bye-laws No. 60]

Form of application for permission to hold more than one flat...

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Appendix No. 29 [Under the Bye-laws No. 9]

Specimen of Share Certificate...

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Appendix No. 30 [FORM J-1]

Under Rule No. 33 and Bye-law No. 22 (c), (d) and (e)...

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Appendix No. 31 [FORM J-2]

Under Rule No. 33 and Bye-law No. 22 (c), (d) and (e)...

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