"Difference between associate member and joint member in Housing Society Maharashtra"

Difference between associate member and joint member in Housing Society Maharashtra

There is much confusion in Housing Society about the associate Member & Joint Member so I am trying to explain this here, what is the difference between an associate member and a joint member in Housing Society Maharashtra : 

Associate MemberJoint Member
Definition as per MCS Amendment 
ACT 2019 – 154 B -1 (18) (a) :
Associate Member means husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughters, son-in-law, daughters-in-law, nephew, niece, a person duly admitted to Membership of a housing society on the written recommendation of a Member to exercise his rights and duties with his written prior consent and whose name does not stand in the share certificate. Member of CHSL has right to appoint "ASSOCIATE MEMBER" to exercise his rights and duties with the duly filled prescribed form. An associate member will pay a Membership fee of Rs. 100 to Society.

Definition as per MCS Amendment 
ACT 2019 – 154 B -1 (18)(b) :
“Joint Member” means a person joining in an application for the registration of a housing society jointly, which is subsequently registered, or a person who is duly admitted to Membership after its registration and who holds share, right, title, and interest in the flat jointly but whose name does not stand first in the share certificate;
Voting Rights
As per Section 154 B-11(2): The Associate Member shall have the right to vote with prior written consent of a Member.

Voting Rights
As per Section 154 B-11(4): In case of joint Member the person whose name stands first in the share certificate, shall have the right to vote. In his absence, the person whose name stands second, and in the absence of both, the person whose name stands next and likewise, who is present and who is not a minor, shall have the right to vote.
Contest the Election
u/s 154 B - 10(6): Associate Member shall have the right to contest the Election of Committee with the prior written consent of a Member and by duly filled Form 10A (Amended as per 2019)
Contest the Election
To contest the election to the committee, a joint member must get consent from the Original Member.

Associate members must fill out Form No -5 (amended as per the 2019 Amendment Act). Rs. 100/- Entrance Fee needs to be submitted. The Managing Committee will hold a monthly meeting to approve the membership and update the "J" Register.
Now for the election provisional voting list will be prepared from the "I" & "J" Register.

Application for Membership with consent from Original Member. Rs. 100/- Entrance Fee needs to be submitted. The Managing Committee will take its monthly committee meeting to approve the membership and update the "J" Register.
Now for the election provisional voting list will be prepared from the "I" & "J" Register.

Share Certificate
Associate Member name does not appear in Share Certificate.
Share Certificate
Joint Member name appears in Share Certificate on 2nd 3rd or 4th position.

Note :
1. Primary Member / Original Member / Members means whose name appears first in the Sale Agreement / Index-2 and Share Certificate.

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