"Can a Real Estate Agent be a part of the Managing Committee in society?"

Can a Real Estate Agent be a part of the Managing Committee in society?

on in MCS Amendment ACT 2019,

Disqualification of Committee and its Members

As per MCS Amendment ACT  2019 - Section 154B-23

(1) Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder, about the disqualification of being a Member of the Committee, no person shall be eligible to be appointed, nominated, elected, co-opted for being a Member of Committee - 
     (i) If he is a defaulter of any society, or
     (ii) if he carries on the business of letting, subletting, and selling flats in the housing society of which he is a Member, or
     (iii) if he has been held responsible under section 79, 88, 154B-8(2) or 154B-27 or for payment of the cost of inquiry under section 85, or 
     (iv) if he has incurred any disqualification under this ACT or the rules made thereunder, or 
     (v) if he incurs any of the disqualification similar to that mentioned in the provisions of clause (vii)(viii), or (ix) of clause (f) sub-section (1) of section 73CA.

(2) A Member, who has incurred any disqualification under sub-section (1), shall cease to be a Member of the Committee and his seat shall thereupon be deemed to be vacant.

(3) A Member of a Committee who has ceased to be a Member thereof, on account of having incurred disqualification under clauses (ii),(iii),(iv) or (v) of sub-section (1), shall not be eligible to be re-elected, re-co-opted or re-nominated as a Member of Committee for five years from the date on which he or she has so ceased to be a Member of the Committee.

(4) A Member of a Committee who has ceased to be a Member thereof, on account of having incurred disqualification other than disqualifications, referred to in subsection (3), shall, unless otherwise specifically provided in this Act, be eligible to be re-elected, re-co-opted or re-nominated as a Member of Committee as soon as such disqualification ceases to exist.

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