"Rights of Associate Members in a Cooperative Housing Society?"

Rights of Associate Members in a Cooperative Housing Society?

MCS Amendment ACT 2019 – 154B -1 (18): Associate Member

Section 154 B-10 (6): Associate Member shall have the right to contest the Election of Committee with prior written consent of a Member by duly filling Form 10A.

Section 154 B-10 (7): Any action contemplated against the original Member in the Act shall apply to such an Associate Member.

Section 154 B-11 (2): Associate Member shall have the right to vote with prior WRITTEN CONSENT of Member.

Rights of Associate Members in Co-operative Housing Society
1) He / She can get a copy of all MOM, Audit Reports, Balance sheets, Income Expenses reports and statutory registers.
2) He / She can inspect the books of account where his transaction is.
3) He / She can occupy the flats after the consent of the Original Member but will not have rights, titles, or interests in the property.
4) He / She has the right to be part of any celebrations, events, Programs, etc. within society and also has equal rights to all the common spaces, parking slots, gym, etc.
5) He / She can contest the Managing Committee election, caste vote, and attend the general body meeting with the prior consent of the original Member as per u/s 154 B-10 (6) & 154B-11-(2).
6) He / She has the right to file official complaints. Depending on the misconduct or offense that the associate member faces in the society (from co-residents, committee members, builders, etc.)
7) He / She has the right to approach authorities for remedial measures, including the Registrar, Co-operative Court, Civil Court, Municipal Corporation, and Police, among others
Can associate members Be a part of the Managing Committee?

Section 154B-10 (6): The associate Member shall have the right to contest the election to the Committee with prior written consent of a Member.
Can associate members attend General Body Meetings & Vote?

Section 154B-11 (2): The associate Member shall have the right to vote with prior written consent of a Member.

Associate Member shall have the right to vote with prior WRITTEN CONSENT of Member.
No Objection Certificate and Undertaking from the Original Member to be submitted by the Associate Member intending to be a Member of the Managing Committee of the Society

Associate Member means husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughters, son-in-law, daughters-in-law, nephew, niece, a person duly admitted to Membership of a housing society on the written recommendation of a Member to exercise his rights and duties with his written prior consent and whose name does not stand in the share certificate. Members of CHSL have the right to appoint an "ASSOCIATE MEMBER" to exercise their rights & duties with the duly filled prescribed form. An associate member will pay a Membership fee of Rs. 100 to Society.

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